Range of heat exchangers with tubes made of acid-proof stainless steel and suitable for many different media, such as steam, domestic hot water, heating water, coolant and hot oil.
Cetecoil heat exchangers are manufactured in three different basic versions as regards materials and pressures, and these are designated R, S and E. All versions have stainless steel tubes.
Each basic version is manufactured in a number of sizes and different thermal lengths. This wide range makes it simple to order a suitable Cetecoil heat exchanger for virtually any operating condition. For higher capacities, several heat exchangers can be connected in parallel or in series.
The Cetecoil heat exchanger is also very well suited for use in systems in which continuous operation at high water velocities is required. When operating with steam, the Cetecoil is a very efficient condensate cooler.
Hoe het werkt
Cetecoil heat exchangers have no gaskets and can operate at high pressures and high temperatures, even when handling media that are subject to sudden and large temperature variations, such as in steam and refrigeration systems. In their standard design, Cetecoil heat exchangers are rated for pressures up to 25 bar and temperatures up to 300°C.
The stainless steel tubes are cross-rilled. This improves the thermal properties of the tube, both on the inside and on the outside. This contributes to a very high heat transfer rate. The performance of the heat exchanger is determined by the number of tubes and the tube length. The tubes are wound into a spiral around a central core. Each end is then welded into the tube plate. The tubes form, together with the collecting chambers, the ’coil’ which is welded to the surrounding shell. In this design, the strength of an all-welded design is combined with high elasticity for absorbing thermal expansion. The upright position also means that Cetecoil needs a minimum of space.