Unique Control LKB
The Unique Control LKB automation unit with built-in actuator offers intelligent control for LKB butterfly valves used in all applications. This straightforward all-in-one actuator offers superior flow control, hygiene, durability and reliability.
Intelligent reliability and control for butterfly valves
The Alfa Laval Unique Control LKB is an integrated valve control unit and actuator with an enhanced hygienic one-piece design. Tested to over a million strokes without service, Unique Control LKB is the most durable actuator available today. Its well-built design withtough composite casing withstands most harsh environments.
IP66/IP67-approved, the Unique Control LKB features superior technology, shape and material, which prevent condensation and the penetration of dust, water and other particles into the unit. This contributes to maximum hygiene and effectively eliminates problems associated with corrosion, external contamination and the effects of physical impact, including vibration, pressure shock, frost, heat, UV radiation and environments polluted with grease, oil and chemicals, without disrupting production.
In addition, the Unique Control LKB provides integrated automation with a clear 360° visible indication and an air surveillance system for reliable real-time monitoring of the operating air pressure. Instead of being controlled by a conventional mechanical spring like most butterfly valve actuators, an air spring controls the actuator of the Unique Control LKB. This, combined with the intelligent capabilities of the sensing and control unit, enables operation at a lower air pressure and delivers significant benefits in terms of durability, reliability and more system uptime.
Simplified setup for butterfly valve control
Push n’ Play self-configuration gets the Unique Control LKB up and running five times faster than conventional solutions. Simply press one button and the Unique Control, which is compatible with both digital and AS interfaces, configures and calibrates itself to ensure the best possible mode of operation. This convenient one-button process saves time and money.
One size actuator fits all LKB butterfly valves
For ultimate convenience, a single actuator is suitable for most valve solutions thanks to the high torque, which enables the unit to fit any valve size. In addition, it is easy to switch from normally open (NO) to normally closed (NC) and vice versa onsite. This one-size-fits-every-valve design makes engineering, ordering, installation, onsite configuration and stock keeping easy.
Easy upgrade for butterfly valve actuators
The Unique Control fits all manual and actuated butterfly valves in the Alfa Laval LKB range. Existing installations are easy to upgrade to Unique Control LKB; all that is required is a new bracket. Simply order the optional bracket kit for that particular LKB valve size in order to mount the Unique Control unit easily onto any of the 1” to 4” and DN25 - DN100 valves in the LKB valve range.
Valve control and automation range
The Unique Control LKB offers intelligent automation and control of Alfa Laval LKB butterfly valves and complements our broad range of valve control and automation solutions.
Avantages du produit
- Une pièce hygiénique améliorée
- Actionneur le plus durable du marché
- Configuration simplifiée pour la commande de vanne papillon
Catalogue produits
Normalement ouvert ou normalement fermé

Principe de fonctionnement
L'unité Unique Control LKB utilise un ressort pneumatique, ce qui lui permet de fonctionner à une pression d'air nettement inférieure à celle des unités de commande utilisant un ressort mécanique conventionnel. Cela réduit l'usure, éliminant ainsi le besoin d'entretien.
Lorsque l'air pénètre dans l'unité Unique Control LKB, l'électrovanne intégrée détourne le flux au-dessus ou en dessous du piston. L'hélice à l'intérieur du piston transfère le mouvement vertical en une rotation assurant le bon fonctionnement de la vanne. La conception permet à l'unité Unique Control LKB de fonctionner à une pression d'air de seulement 3 bar.
Système de surveillance aérienne intégré
Un capteur de pression intégré surveille l'alimentation en air. En cas de chute critique de la pression d'air, l'actionneur envoie un signal d'avertissement, mais continue de fonctionner. Si l'alimentation en air est arrêtée, l'actionneur envoie également un signal d'avertissement, maintient sa position et continue de fonctionner après résolution du problème.
Passage de NC à NO
Changer le contact normalement fermé en position normalement ouvert est facile. Ouvrez simplement le couvercle supérieur, desserrez les vis, soulevez et faites pivoter le couvercle supérieur à 180°, puis réassemblez-le.
Interface de communication : AS-interface v.2.1, 31 nœuds ; AS-interface v.3.0, 62 nœuds ; et interface numérique.
Kit équerres : 1" à 4" et DN 25 – DN 100 :
Tailles de support : DN25-50, DN65, DN80 et DN100